24/04/2018 - Here's Molly all the way from Leongatha seen recently at the pick up of her new Suzuki Swift at Brighton Suzuki. Cheers Molly from all the team at #BrightonSuzuk
24/04/2018 - t's a Suzuki Ignis for Romy, seen here taking delivery at Brighton Suzuki. All the best with your dancing gig at Crown Romy and no doubt your recent cruise work would have been fun. Thanks from David Mason and all at #BrightonSuzuki
24/04/2018 - A big Thanks to the big man - Nelson here at Brighton Suzuki with the new Vitara he bought for his folks. Nelson reckons it's the least he can do for all the support they've given him - Good on you Nelson. Here's to another big year with our Melbourne Storm. Cheers from Steve and all at #BrightonSuzuki #NelsonAsofaSolomona #MelbourneStorm
24/04/2018 - A first brand new car for Amy, seen here at Brighton Suzuki with her new Ignis. Great choice Amy.. Thanks and all the best from David Mason and all at #BrightonSuzuki
24/04/2018 - Gislain at Brighton Suzuki with her new Swift GLX Turbo. Thanks for jumping ship from your Mini Cooper Gislain. Congrats from David Mason and the team at #BrightonSuzuki
24/04/2018 - Kim all the way from Hallam with her Suzuki Swift GLX Navi at Brighton Suzuki. Good on you Kim, no doubt you'll have heaps of fun scooting around in your new Swift. Cheers from Steve Allan and the pre-owned team #BrightonSuzuki
24/04/2018 - Here's a new Suzuki Swift Sport being delivered to Karen at Brighton Suzuki - her third in the series of Swift Sports. Thanks for your loyalty to Suzuki Karen and Cheers to you and Eugene from all of us at #BrightonSuzuki
24/04/2018 - Loyal customers, the Harpers, with their new Suzuki Swift at Brighton Suzuki. No doubt this one will serve you as well as your last one for 12 years. Thanks from all the team at #BrightonSuzuki